Launching a newsletter is a way to build an audience and build your brand, but you need to start with building your leads to email to. One of the quickest ways to start is by building a landing page with LeadPages.
LeadPages allows you to promote your products, find new customers, and learn from seasoned marketing experts—all on a platform that converts five times better than the industry average.
Create your Landing Page
To get started, go to Landing Pages and create your new page and give it a name. For this example, we will be using Beauty News, our news letter with beauty tips. LeadPages has a bunch of starting templates included and one perfectly for our use case with a Beauty Newsletter Sign Up
We will give the landing page a name called Beauty News.
Next we can edit the page as needed to meet our vision. Colors, text, images, and even the content layout is all changeable through the drag and drop interface. Once we are done, we will want to setup the lead capture part of the page with the integrations.
Setup the integration to capture leads
When you select the form, you will see the Edit Integrations button. This is where we setup the process a visitor would take when they enter their email.
In the Edit Your Form page, we setup our integration to handle the information a lead will give us. For easy tracking, you can name your form something easy. The next part is where we want the data to go. By default, we will store our leads in the LeadPages table that we can export. We also can add integrations with third parties like MailChimp if we have active campaigns setup we were emailing and want to make the process more automated.
For our example, we are only going to use the LeadPages table since we don’t have the newsletter working and just are collecting initial users.
Send Lead Magnet
After we add any additional fields, we want to send our new lead our lead magnet. In this case, it is a PDF of 10 beauty tips and use sent after they sign up. Here we can use the default thank you page by LeadPages which is selected. We can add our lead magnet and upload our PDF we want to send.
Now, when a lead signs up, we will automatically send them our document and start to engage them.
Publish our page
We are ready to publish. We click the publish button in the top and we now have our URL hosted by LeadPages we can use to include in messages, social media profiles, and even in text messages and contacts to get people to sign up.
Tracking Our Leads
Since we are not using any integrations yet, we can export our leads from our Leads page in LeadPages. We also can track performance of our visitors and how many view the page and convert into leads.